Please note that your account, as shown on theattached statement3 is past due. Yourprompt remittance will be appreciated.
请注意附件中的账单时到期未付的款项。 如能尽快汇款,将不胜感激。
This letter is sent to you as a reminder of youraccount with us. Our invoice of May 7,amounting to $50000 is now due for payment. We will be pleased to receive yourcheck for this amount.
If your check is already in the mail, you shoulddisregard this letter. If it is not, please take a moment to mail your checktoday.
如果您的支票已经寄岀,请忽略 此信。如果还没有寄岀,请今日尽快安排寄岀。
We are disappointed that our letter andstatements to you have brought no reply.
May we draw your attention to the amount of$50000, lAhich according to our records remains as yet unpaid. ? Please let mehear from you as soon as possible if there is a problem I should know about.
Please call me at once so we can arr ive at some workableagreement to settle your account.
We cannot understand iAhy your company has failedto respond to all our inquiries, because your account is seriously in arrears.
我们不能明白为何贵司不回复我们的询 冋信,因为您的账单已经严重拖欠了。
We are unwi 11 ing to accept any further ordersfrom your company except on a cash basis until you have settled your past-dueaccount of $5000.
除非货到付现,我们公 司不愿意接受贵司任何订购,知道贵司将500美金的过期账单结算清楚。
Since you. have not answered our reminder lettersand ignored our two telephone calls, we are now forced to take strong measuresto collect the outstanding balance of your account in the amount of $50000,lAhich is 90 daysoverdue.
This letter is to notify you that we have nochoice but to put your delinquent account into the hands of our attorney ifyour check for $5000 is not received by ^gust 10.
We are instructing our attorneyto proceed with the collection of your overdue account, now five months inarrears, in lAhatever manner may be deemed necessary to protect our interests.